
Certificate in IT

"Empowering Connections: Unleashing the Potential of IT"

Programming Fundamentals

  • Overview of programming languages and their uses
  • Understanding programming logic and algorithms
  • Implementing programming fundamentals using a specific programming language (e.g. Python, Java, C++)
  • Understanding software development methodologies and processes

Database Management

  • Understanding database management principles and best practices
  • Overview of relational databases and SQL
  • Implementing database management using a specific database management system (e.g. MySQL, Oracle)
  • Understanding database security and backup strategies

Introduction to IT

  • Understanding the basics of IT and its applications
  • Overview of IT infrastructure and systems
  • Understanding the role of IT in business and society
  • Understanding IT career opportunities and paths

Computer Hardware and Software

  • Understanding computer hardware components and their functions
  • Overview of operating systems (e.g. Windows, MacOS, Linux)
  • Understanding software applications and their functions
  • Understanding computer networking and connectivity

Web Development

  • Understanding web development principles and best practices
  • Overview of HTML and CSS
  • Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery
  • Implementing web development using a specific web development framework (e.g. React, Vue.js, Angular)

Cybersecurity and Ethics

  • Understanding cybersecurity principles and best practices
  • Implementing cybersecurity strategies and tools
  • Understanding ethical and legal issues in IT
  • Understanding IT governance and compliance

Course Fees & Duration

  • Course Duration 2 Months
  • Addmission Fees 5000
  • Monthly Fees 3500

Research Project


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